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I Sacrifice Myself Page 3
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Page 3
The more they decayed the less mobile and dangerous they were. Not exactly safe but more of a controllable danger. Having a crawling, legless or not, zombie after you is still quite heart jolting. Take my word for it.
Wow, once again I had derailed like a mental patient off the original subject.
When the vamp that had murdered my parents figured out that my blood was lethal to them, the hard way, he tried to destroy me. Fortunately he had consumed so much of my blood that he was dead before he could go through with his threats.
I’m a little harder to take out than they think, even as a meek and precious five year old.
I did die though technically, and because I was almost completely drained, I almost turned. My aunts arrived just in time. I had used the last of my strength to summon them. It was a difficult spell, since it instantly told them I was in immediate danger, leaving no room for doubt. I had been unconscious again when they’d arrived.
When they saw the horror, what the outcome had been, how one five year old girl had lived through it… they nearly lost it. One aunt had run to me and scooped me up, hell-bent on making sure I survived. My wounds were in almost every single case fatal. My other two aunts mourned their sister and brother-in-law.
Later, much later, they said they didn’t understand how I had a snowball’s chance in hell at taking down an elder vamp, one my mother stood no chance with. Yet somehow, someway, I had and not in the most expected way.
Apparently Selene had a distinct purpose for me. She gave me a second chance, one I was only beginning to understand and accept.
Dimitri noticed my unusual silence, and the fact that I was not accosting innocent bystanders, with my witty and snarky attitude.
He loved that about me I think, the way I could get attention and divert it immediately, and the way I could put fear into any man. The way I was strong, smart, and acted mature. Of course, I could be immature just like anyone.
I also had curves, because of the way my body was. I was built to be fast, strong, and lethal. This meant I was shaped leanly for the speed, but muscled for the strength. I was lethal with only one hand, and of course my mouth. When I say mouth I don’t mean sexually, err, well not exactly. I could out talk any person that had the balls to approach me. Although I’m sure that it was good the other way, I just had not tested it.
Most didn’t have the balls to approach me, though.
I left my ex, Ash, because we’re just not compatible. I needed a strong man that could give me a run for my money. Someone who could throw me around and not get themselves hurt. I needed Dimitri and all his god-like glory.
I think he also loved my fiery-red hair. In the sun it was literally fire red. In the moonlight it was almost a strawberry blond with reddish highlights, or in complete darkness it was blood red and faded to black.
It was long and wavy down to my lower back. When the wind blew, or I grew agitated or furious, it would fly around and look very wickedly scary. When I sat down, and it was not tied up, I’d sit on it.
I heard Santos hollering, at some young and wild boys, to go clean something. I smiled. I didn’t think there was anything to clean, but if there was, Santos would find it. He was in charge of the younger male trainees/new hunters.
He was a lean, mean machine kind of warrior, for a human. He was ex-military, and although he didn’t look like it, he was thirty-five.
Santos had taken down over twenty baby vamps, all alone. He was not my usual partner either, but we’d partied hard together when we were. He preferred a fire thrower, one he’d built himself, compared to any other weapon. He was only allowed to use it under special authorized and usually emergency situations. Like if the camp was under attack and definitely not inside a building.
We had a new justice system in place. You messed up three times, or your crime was serious, we enlisted you as a pseudo-hunter. At dusk they were given ammo and a gun and sent out to hunt. When they came back at dawn, IF they came back, the gun was retrieved and they were given guarded shelter and a meal.
Why waste such a fine opportunity. There was no death sentence when there were monsters to contend with.
Dimitri was smiling, which was a rare but genuine thing. He was probably thinking along the same lines as I was, like we usually did. It was as if we were part of the same brain. We finished each other’s sentences, moved together as if it were synchronized and planned, and always agreed on everything.
Well almost everything, there was only one thing we didn’t. I was not to go on solo missions. He refused to issue the order or allow anyone to grant me permission for anything solo. He claimed I was not ready. We both knew the truth, and he hated it.
Dimitri was only a few years older than me. He was my trainer, since I came in, only because he was the only one like me and understood me.
I think he understood better than anyone ever would. That was because we were both what I mentioned earlier, hybrids. We had enough animalistic tendencies to be dangerous, and enough humanity to be of use to the Hunters, for now.
I glanced at him sideways from behind a strand of hair, and once again, was struck by how gorgeous he was. He was the epitome of gorgeous. What he saw in me was a mind boggler.
His long, dark cinnamon colored hair, reached his shoulders, and was just pushed back from his face so that it looked unkempt. He usually had it in a black leather tie but not today. His bright, nearly golden eyes glowed, so brightly you could see them in the dark.
My own were a brightly glowing burnt amber color, and sometimes darkened so much, they were a fiery, reddish-black. There was hardly any amber at all in them, when they changed, but then they would have the thin outline of red to them.
We finally reached our rooms and gave each other meaningful looks. We would see each other soon. It gave me a deliciously twisted feeling.
I had guard duty on the gate tonight while the supply truck returned. We had to make sure nothing got in. Only Dimitri and I could detect the vamps at night. He’d watched last time.
I changed, donned a flak jacket, grabbed a handful of throwing knives and headed out.
It was barely dark, yet dark enough for the monsters to come out and play.
I heard thunder and knew it was either raining or about to. I could smell it. The crisp yet rancid smell and taste of ozone left one wishing for the good old days.
Dimitri had insisted on joining me, but Commander Ian claimed we had it covered.
I walked over to the wall, next to the gate, and as I looked up the first bitter drops of rain hit my upturned face. I relished in it despite how much it had changed.
I heard the truck somewhere in the distance, making itself up the cliff next to the ravine. It was flying which meant we had company. At this distance I was the only one who could hear it, but not for long at the rate of speed the truck was moving.
My first thought was, why didn’t they radio us? That’s when I realized it was a trap. It had to be, and in a twisted sort of way, thankfully not our first one.
The rain began as a fine cooling mist and then began to drizzle, warming as it did so. Which would make things hard, very hard for the humans, to see in.
I jumped lithely to the top of the wall, startling the nearby and unconcerned soldiers, and looked out into the silent night. The waxing moon gave me just enough light, despite the passing clouds that were dark and heavy behind us, to let me see quite a distance. Clouds would drift by and cast shadows but I was able to see clearly enough.
A guy named Marcus was the wheel man this time, and he drove professionally, so when I saw how erratically the driver was moving I knew we were screwed or they were hurt and in need of immediate aid.
Tonight was going to be a chaotic one it seemed.
I looked over at Commander Ian, who shook his head at me. He knew what I planned to do, just not why. I hissed at him much like a panther or tiger, and then made the twelve foot drop, landing as easily as one.
The rain had softened the ground, but even had
it not I’d have landed just as well.
Ian shouted orders. He trusted my instincts, but he would not send anyone else out here with me. He ordered them to watch my back. Of course that was impossible.
As the moonlight hit me, and my hunting instincts kicked in, my eyes began to shift to the red and black, and I became an ethereal shadow.
Ian cursed. He either had forgotten or was hoping I could finally control it. Even if I could have, I wouldn’t.
Not a millisecond after I landed the truck barreled up and around, coming into the base’s outer gates. I shifted into a pouncing stance. I was nearly invisible so even if a vamp was driving, he wouldn’t see me until it was too late.
In the brief moments the truck got closer I could tell Marcus was definitely not behind the wheel. I saw no one but a stranger.
As three seconds had barely passed I readied myself for the leap. I prayed to Selene and hoped I landed perfectly.
Less then three seconds later it was almost ten feet directly in front of me, moments from running me down, I lithely leapt right on top of the hood. I slid only a little because it was slick from the rain. As I landed I swirled, and kicked out the windshield, nearly losing my balance. I quickly righted myself and I threw two, instantaneously, knives directly at the stranger. The woman had jumped and leaned far to the right as I had kicked the windshield in, so my daggers slid into the seat.
I could not get a good look at her eyes. She was not invisible, but that meant nothing, not when the vamps could control their visibility.
I reached in and managed to drag her out, with her kicking and clawing. She screamed and fought back like a maniac but not a vampire or shifter.
Instantly I could tell she was human… but the vamp that landed on the back of the hummer was not. The moving hummer buckled a little under the impact but was reinforced for this. I shuffled precariously, and had it not been for my grip on the woman, could have easily fallen off the truck.
I was taken by surprise by the vamp, and paid the price.
He dove at me, clearly aware of my strengths, and we both flew to the ground hard. I tried to roll as we were midair but found it very difficult.
The woman threw the brakes on, slid sideways, and barrel rolled into the gate. The whole time screaming like banshee on fire.
I could pay the strange fickle woman no more attention, not with Helter Skelter in my face, and while trying not to land on my back.
As we landed I twisted and allowed the full force of my fall and weight to propel me the direction I wanted, so that I was not pinned underneath.
It was a waste of energy and time because he immediately righted himself, bringing his full weight down on me. We landed with me crying out pathetically, ‘oof’, and gasping for oxygen. I was dead if I didn’t do something soon.
I felt his putrid and rank breath as he inhaled and exhaled my scent. Was I as much a freak to him as he was to humans? He salivated, purely enthralled it seemed, the spittle merely centimeters from the right side of my face. I would puke if his noxious dripping saliva found its way into my mouth.
I jerked my head from side to side, just as he tried desperately to get a bite in. The fine hairs on my neck were at attention and I could feel my insides began to quiver and burn. One of us would die tonight, and hopefully it would be his roasted carcass.
Before I knew it, the vamp was suddenly and violently torn off me, and had been tossed into a nearby tree. The loud echoing crack was as mind numbing as was seeing Dimitri, who stood protectively between me and the vamp, who was still knocked a little silly.
I quickly leapt to my feet and rushed, only slightly dazed, to his side. He snarled at me, warning me to let him handle it. I refused and like the well-known snarky brat I was, I stuck out my tongue. He was my mentor, lover, friend, and much… so much more. Dimitri only rolled his eyes.
Commander Ian’s orders rang out, but we were moving just a bit too fast for them.
The vamp untangled himself within a second of being spanked by a tree and gave us a seriously wicked, pissed off look.
He feigned as if he was going to run off and just as we followed, he turned and flipped. He pounced directly on top of me, again, seeing me as the weaker link.
“Dammit!” I cried, involuntarily.
I was prepared for him though this time and flipped him right over me, with Dimitri already shifting so he could take on the vamp, instead of me.
I managed to stop my momentum and turn around, but not before Dimitri had the vamp in a desperate and what seemed like a vicious headlock. Dimitri planned to decapitate him. I saw the vamps face as he turned, and his arms lock around Dimitri’s waist.
We were all moving so fast at this point, that none of the humans could get a lock on us, or the freak about to crush Dimitri into several pieces.
I knew I had only a moment to react, and the rain helped me none whatsoever.
I felt my element engulf me, still on the verge of my senses, taking me over and replacing my anger and fear. It was the burning and soulless fire, deep within me, spelled so in times of danger I could call upon it. My tricky aunts had tampered a little with it. Had taught me not only how to summon and control it, but to use it at its max, when in heart-wrenching moments like this.
The hungry fire consumed me, raging from my inner core. My fangs were obvious, as was my now fully pissed look. The vamp stopped and gave me a very odd look, one of terror and curiosity. It was as if he sensed the change within me, the power that could very well end his miserable and ungodly existence.
I struck the vampire with everything I had, managing to only singe Dimitri, which was better than being hurt. I focused all of myself into lighting his ass up, envisioning my parents murderer. I saw that bastards face encompass the one before me, and I lost all self control.
My scream of rage got everyone’s attention, which slowed the vamp and Dimitri just enough for Commander Ian to get a few shots into the vamp. Dimitri shifted, twisted, and I watched as the vamp’s head rolled to my feet. He was very much decapitated.
I took my boot clad foot and used the silver coated spiked heel to crush the vamps skull. I could see the mush of brain matter emerge mixed with black blood. It was nauseating to say the least. The unholy piece of shit was dead after losing his head, forgive the pun, but I was unable to stop myself.
I sensed Dimitri emerge from his half crouch, cautiously inching closer to me. He was not so much afraid of me, as for me, but knew I was reliving my past and was in another world altogether.
Dimitri slowly reached for my hand, taking it ever so gently, and led me inside. Ian ignored us and had several other hunters patrol and soldiers remove the remains. They would be burned immediately.
Commander Ian knew as well my delicate state of mind, and that we would shower and find solace in one another, and Dimitri and I knew he had everything under control.
Dimitri dropped me off at the shower, down the hall from our rooms, and went to get me a much needed change of clothing.
I undressed slowly, trying to avoid touching brains and other bits of flesh.
Someone was quite loudly, to me at least, coming down the hall and then there were two sets of boots. One was Dimitri bringing me my clothes.
“Is she alright?”
Ash… he had come to check on me.
“Fuck,” I groaned to myself. I didn’t need another battle of who’s was bigger and better. Why couldn’t those two just freaking get it over with, when I was not around of course.
I tried to ignore them as the water sluiced over me, washing away death, and my past horrors.
“She’s fine. I’ve got to bring her clothes. I’ll tell her that you asked about her.” Dimitri replied, hostile and protective.
“I plan to stay and wait for her.”
I could sense a fight brewing but I wanted nothing to do with it. Fortunately Lane was there all of a sudden. Her elfin stature made it hell for me to hear her approach, so she was alway
s sneaking up on me.
“Boys, I suggest you carry this to the training yard. I will take her clothes to her. Commander Ian is waiting for you both.”
I smiled at how easily she could fix everything. It was one of the many reasons I loved that girl. She was not blood but might as well have been. I was lucky I knew, to have so many people care for me, to protect me. At times it was just freaking stifling though. Now was one of those times.
Lane let herself in quietly, knowing I would have heard the whole encounter. She sat by the door and waited for me to respond.
“Thanks, I appreciate that,” I whispered. She didn’t reply for a long time.
She knew I needed support not two love sick pups trying to get my attention.
“Your clothes are on the bench. I will lock the door behind me.”
She didn’t move.
“I’m okay. Not a scratch and barely a bruise. Dimitri took most of the battle wounds for me.”
“Those two will either fall in battle or by each other’s hands. Dimitri will more than likely be the victor but you will be the victim. Losing someone you care for no matter which way it ends. I’m lucky there is only Ian.”
“Now,” I replied, unable to respond.
“Yes, lucky that now I have Ian.”
She’d been in one other relationship before Ian, and I had killed him with my bare hands. He had dared to hurt her. I had witnessed it finally, after countless times of not. He died instantly. I regretted it of course, but he deserved no less.
Ian had been her friend at the time, had been head over heels for her, and when I called him to have him come to her and comfort her… well he flew. I knew she cared for him as well. Knowing she was in good hands, I went back to work as a hunter and training with Dimitri.
For the longest, we had denied our desires, Dimitri and I. I’d denied them simply because, he would’ve been sent to another facility, and because of my age. Now that I was twenty-one though, it was a whole different story.
I was old enough to be legal, even if he was almost five years older than me. I was not going to lose him.